Blog #538: Your Extra Awesome Answers

I’m sure…
You’ve been asked for your advice.
Someone asking you:
“What should I do?”
I’ll bet you had an answer for them.
I’ll bet it was an awesome answer, too.
People have proven how good our “good advice” is.
Those people were courageous to have heeded our guidance and went forward to accomplish and overcome GIANT challenges.
After all…
We knew what we were talking about when we gave the advice.
I’ve got TWO questions sitting in my mind.
QUESTION #1: “What’s your best advice for…?”
Staying healthy?
Finding time to exercise?
Staying positive?
Coping with stress?
Continuing to learn?
Saving money?
Finding love?
Taking risks?
Building edifying relationships?
Dealing with difficult people?
Making a difference?
Staying motivated?
Finding harmony?
Being happy?
Loving life?
(Hey…if you have awesome answers, please reply to this blog and share them!)
But it’s my second question, well…
That’s the question that makes the answers to the first question MATTER.
Question #2: “Are YOU breathing in your own awesome advice?”
(Am I?)
And so now I’ve got myself visualizing the future.
What would happen if we consistently dared to heed our own advice?
Do YOU think the answers to what we want to change and the challenges we want to overcome might be found in the advice we’d give to someone else?
It’s just my thinking, but maybe…
Next time we’re asked to GIVE advice on something that can make a difference for someone else…maybe, just maybe…it might be extra wise to listen.
To ourselves.
EXTRA Thoughts…
Ask this question daily, and I GUARANTEE it will make a HUGE difference in the quality of your life:
“Is what I’m doing today helping me get to where I want to be tomorrow?”
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:
Work the Window
Thank you for reading.
I hope I added some positive to your day.
With appreciation and gratitude…

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