#470: What’s Inside the Box?

At the end of each day…I ask myself this question:
“What was today’s highlight?”
I reflect, write my answer on a small slip of paper, fold it…
and put the day’s highlight in my “Dream Box.”
I have a Dream Box.
It stores my highlights and wishes.
Every day I write down both.
My Dream Box is an accountability tool to keep me connected to remembering that every day has something good about it…a highlight. The Dream Box also reminds me that dreams, goals and wishes articulated on paper are the first step in making them happen.
Nothing I achieve just…happens.
The seven books I’ve written? They started in the Dream Box.
The seven countries I’ve walked across? My adventures started there, too.
My next projects and happenings? They’re starting in the Dream Box….now.
A Dream Box?
Life is as mundane as we choose to make it.
And it’s as magical as we choose to make it, too.
Mundane or Magical?
Is it really even a choice?
We have the unfathomable privilege of walking this magic Walk only once.
I choose to walk mine as magically as I can.
Highlights and wishes.
Mine matter.
Make yours matter, too.
EXTRA Thoughts…
Point a finger at today’s highlight…and you point tomorrow’s attitude in the right direction.
Thank YOU for reading this week. I know you have 1,000,000+ online places in which to visit…but you chose to spend a few minutes here.
For this…I am both lucky and grateful.

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