#472: Ask Her ONE Question

Different in age, need and want…three students sat on the steps.
The Teacher…a woman old in years and wise in life…sat in front of them. Each student had an opportunity to ask her ONE question closest to their heart.
Question 1…from a 20-year-old (with a thirst for success):
“I want my success to be big when I’m old. What do I do to make it happen?”
The answer:
Get great at beginnings.
Find the courage to BEGIN 10,000 conversations with strangers because that is how friends are made…and 10,000 friends will be sure to open up the doors in which you are looking to enter.
Question 2…from a 40-year-old (with a failure-stacked resume):
“I want to make a difference in life…but I seem to be a million miles away from ever doing that. What can I do?
The answer:
Get great at beginnings.
When rejection consistently greets you…when your work seems to be invisible to others…when the whisper “Go be normal!” gets louder…never allow the last failure to be the one that permanently stops you. BEGIN again.
Question 3…from a 60-year-old (growing weary in body and spirit):
“I’m sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. What can I do to feel better?”
The answer:
Get great at beginnings.
Fate catches us all. But when we successfully start every day whispering ‘Thank you‘…we add a healing balm to a suffering spirit. Morning gratitude is what keeps eyes looking up…not staring down. BEGIN each day…grateful.
With ONE answer…three possibilities opened up.
With ONE answer…each possibility is made more real.
Get great at beginnings.
I’ve applied the lesson thousands of times in my last forty years.
It’s the lesson that still keeps me grinding every day.
May this lesson be yours to carry in your heart’s pocket.
And may inspiration nudge you to pull it out when needed.
EXTRA Thoughts…
I’m the young man.
I’m the old man.
I’m still working on getting great at beginnings.
And I will until my ending.
Thank you for reading today.
With humble gratitude…

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