Blog #578: Hello, Oprah

It’s on my mind.
Three stories will connect this blog.
Story #1: The Feeling Sucked
I recognize I need to do exercises that get my heart rate up and blood pressure down. My body has grown accustomed to walking 7 miles with 20 pounds on my back five days a week to the point where my heart rate isn’t getting pushed.
So I’ve started to turn my walking sneakers into jogging sneakers.
At this moment…
I’m super slow and can’t go far without stopping. The fact was mightily accentuated this week when I was jogging slowww and huffing and puffing harddd, and a jogger 30 years younger sprinted by me as if I were a tortoise.
I felt the sting of humility when he turned his cocky head and grinned at me as he sped by. I pride myself on my athleticism, but the moment wasn’t shy in pushing me to feel old.
The feeling sucked.
Story #2: Barely Hanging On
(This one comes from a brave reader who is confronting getting older.)
Dear Shawn,
I’ve read your blog for so long I feel I know you. Although I’ve wanted to send you an email before, today is my first.
I’m writing to you about something you can do nothing about. I’m getting old. I turned 71 and feel I’m barely hanging on. My career is long over and my health is getting worse. I feel like my best days are behind me. It’s sad and depressing.
I don’t expect a reply, but it would be amazing for someone to know that I’m still here and that I count. If there’s anything that you might be able to say to help, I’ll be eternally grateful.
I’m not denying it hasn’t changed me.
I am denying that my life has to become less because I am.
Of course…
I can do zero about how fast the calendar days are moving.
But I can do something about how I live my calendar days.
I’m getting older.
Yet…I’m thinking bigger.
Words are easy to say.
Actions are harder to live.
In continuing to do my best to be authentic with you…
let me share how age is NOT diminishing my actions.
For the first time…
Ten days ago, I personally let Team Oprah know who I am.
Story #3: Hello, Oprah
Dear Team Oprah…
Perhaps my name is unfamiliar…but this email is to nudge you to take a look:
Twitter: @ToShawnAnderson
Website: Extra Mile Day
I’m 60 and may be oldER…but I do not live old.
Four quick things:
1. I’ve walked across eight countries since 2014.
2. As a non-bicyclist, I’ve pedaled a bike across the U.S. (ocean-to-ocean)…twice.
3. I’ve written seven books…80,000+ copies sold.
4. I’m the Founder of Extra Mile Day…declared by 512 cities on 11/1/22. (Initially declared by 23 cities on 11/1/09, Extra Mile Day recognizes the awesome people and organizations “going the extra mile” in volunteerism and service in their cities and towns.)
So it might be true…
You may not know me…yet.
I’m giving you a nudge to let you know…
I’m here.
I’m the Extra Mile Guy.
And I’m clapping for others (#ClapForSomeone)…loudly.
With humble gratitude…
So yep…
You and I are getting older.
But we’re also getting more valuable.
Our experience.
Our knowledge.
That’s BIG.
But still…
If the age anchor is heavily weighing you down, then…
Don’t focus on your number.
Focus on your contribution.
Choose to…
Live bolder.
Not older.
I believe…
If we do that until the sand in our hour glass runs out…
We’ll be both content and at peace when it does.
EXTRA Thoughts…
Life passes us by when we choose to take a permanent seat on the bus bench.
At any age.
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:
This week, I hope you take a moment to…
Thank you for being here and hanging out with me.
MUCH gratitude…

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