Blog #586: Breathing a Little…Indiana
Have an all-time
favorite book, movie or TV character?
This week…
A reader’s email inspires me to share mine.
I love your Thursday newsletter! Your topics seem to be written specifically for me. How do you do that? I also love your weekly sign off – With gratitude. It’s a reminder to keep looking for gratitude no matter what’s happening with me.
Most, you have a gift for seeing stories and adventure in simple events. I would love to be like that. Do you think that skill can be developed? If so, can you please consider sharing that in a future newsletter?
Thank you for being a consistent I count on.
With gratitude,
Your Thursday Fan
Dear “Thursday Fan”…
Thank you for reading.
Thank you for responding.
I’m lucky you did both.
Two thoughts in your email stand extra TALL.
Both are ideas I keep doing my best to grow TALLER in.
#1. Gratitude.
I call it the “Fabric Softener of the Heart.” The more I think and feel “gratitude,” the more it softens me. In my hardest hours…the more I sincerely whisper “Thank you”…the quicker the hardest hours pass. Signing off my emails “With gratitude…” just reminds me to be the person I choose to BE.
#2. Adventure
I LOVE that you see that in my blog. I playfully admit that Indiana Jones is my favorite character of all time. (College friends called me “Indy” because I was never shy about creating adventures.) Today, I’m pushin’ “nerdy” in that I own two Indy-like fedoras.
I purposefully add positive triggers to my life.
1. The “With gratitude…” sign off.
2. The Indy fedora.
There’s two.
I believe…
We can consciously add positive triggers in our lives to feel what we want to feel. AND…what we continually trigger is the person we become.
And although I love to create adventures beyond the norm…
I absolutely know that I don’t have to be hiking in the jungles of Japan looking for a 500-year-old temple or navigating my way off a storm-pounding mountain in northern Spain to FIND adventure.
Adventure beckons daily.
It’s as easy as…
Trying a new food.
Reading a new genre.
Going on a new walk.
Meeting a new person.
We live adventures…
the moment we start thinking adventurous.
“Today is a great day for an adventure!”
It’s a good philosophy…don’t you think?
It definitely, positively triggers my mindset.
Thank you for your kind email.
Your spirit is deeply appreciated.
And as a reminder to us both…
Every day we breathe…
Is a day to breathe a little like…Indiana.
With gratitude (and an adventurous heart)…
EXTRA Thoughts…
You are your author.
I am my author.
We each write our lives.
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog? I answered the question:
“What would you say to your older self?”
Every time we choose to #ClapForSomeone…
We choose to make someone’s day shine brighter.
Thank YOU for reading this week.
With gratitude…
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