Blog #599: Are We in the Air Yet?

As you read this…
I’m in Scotland.
As I write this…
I’m sitting at Gate A21 at the Salt Lake City Airport.
It will be a long day.
I have about 24+ hours of flying and layovers in front of me before I get to Glasgow, Scotland. I had this week’s blog already written and loaded to send today, but the early stories of my morning have nudged me to write…something different.
Here we go.
Story #1.
I was getting ready to board my first plane of the day…standing in line with my backpack hoisted on my shoulders. A woman standing behind me felt like talking. I turned to her voice.
She was wearing an American flag jacket and a bright red hat with four words in white letters written on it. She was not afraid to be bold about her political candidate.
“Why do you have a backpack…and not a suitcase?” she asked.
“I’m going on a long walk across Scotland,” I answered.
“Walking? Why would you do that? Why not take a tour bus?” she asked.
“Because I like walking,” I said.
My conversational enthusiasm was waning quickly.
“I don’t understand that. I would take a bus and see more. That sounds crazy,” she said.
“Well… evidently, I’m not that smart,” I said.
“I guess not,” she said.
I felt an urge to use the restroom I didn’t have to use.
“I think I’ll use the restroom before we get on,” I said.
“You should have done that ten minutes ago,” she said.
I smiled.
Went and washed my hands…
And rejoined the BACK of the line.
Story #2.
I boarded the plane.
As I waited for other passengers to locate their seats, a mom with three little kids took the row of three seats across the aisle to my right. The third kid took the aisle seat in front of her mom and directly across from me.
My day’s second conversation would last the entirety of the flight.
It was with a 6-year-old girl.
Because her mom was sitting behind her and she couldn’t talk to HER, I became the focus of the girl’s chatting. It started while we were still sitting on the runway…yet to take off.
“Are we in the air yet?” she asked me.
“Not yet,” I smiled.
The question came at me three times before we ever were.
“I’m going to Salt Lake City. Are you going there, too?” she asked.
“I’m only staying there a couple of hours. I’m going to Scotland,” I answered.
“Is Scotland close to Salt Lake?” she asked.
“No…not too close,” I replied.
“What are you going to do in Scotland?” she inquired with interest.
“I’m going to go on a long walk,” I said.
“Ohhh…I like walking!” she excitedly said. “I’m a good walker!”
“I like long walks, too,” I smiled. “I’m a pretty good walker, too!”
That answer seemed to score points with HER.
We became flight friends.
And when we DID finally take off…
It was just a tiny bit more exciting watching her.
People add or subtract to our energy.
Look for the additions.
Avoid the subtractions.
For me?
On to Scotland.
On to a long walk.
I start tomorrow.
Gratitude for reading today…
EXTRA Thoughts…
Two simple ways to be reminded of life’s positives:
1. Watch the sun rise.
2. Watch the sun set.
Miss last week’s blog?
In it, I share a story of seeing a woman sitting on a bench alone…and crying. And I kept walking.
Take a listen to the audio:
Tears, Fears and Turning Around
Make someone’s day:
Thank you for being a kindred spirit in choosing to live…differently.
Create a great day!
With humble gratitude…
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