Blog #607: I’m Not Charlie’s Tree

In response to last week’s blog…
A reader shined a light on a famous tree.
It belonged to Charlie Brown.
The reader wrote that he felt like Charlie’s tree.
The email:
Shawn –
Your words “I Don’t HAVE To” hit me hard. I needed to read this one.
Do you remember “A Charlie Brown’s Christmas”? Charlie picked out a Christmas tree that only had a few limbs and needles. It was a sad tree that had no life in it. I’m like the tree.
I know the math, and I know I’m at the end of life. The thing is, I don’t want to go out feeling like his tree. Before it’s too late, I need to do something. It’s time for me to grow more needles.
I trust that you can offer ideas to help.
My response:
Dear “Mr. Needles”…
I’m officially taking the liberty of giving you a nickname.
Of course, you didn’t sign your email this way, but if “needles” are what you want…let’s start planting the seeds to grow them, huh?!
Thank you for reading my blog.
I’m grateful that you do.
Let’s talk about needle growing.
Admittedly, I’m not an arborist when it comes to insight about trees (I know I LOVE ’em, and that’s about all!). But maybe, just maybe, I might be able to help YOU with your needle-growing wishes.
Thank you for the chance.
I’m my own self-improvement guinea pig.
What I share with you is what I live. What I’m sharing is MY guide to changing what I don’t like about my life.
Here’s my “Triple A’s.”
#1. Awareness.
#2. Answers.
#3. Action.
Each “A” comes with a question:
#1. What don’t I like about my life?
#2. How can I fix what I don’t like?
#3. How long am I going to keep living what I don’t like?
Let’s take a closer look at each.
#1. Awareness.
Admitting we don’t like what we ARE living is the start of giving ourselves a chance to change what we are living. If we never admit we have a problem, we chain ourselves to that problem forever.
In your words, your life has gone all Charlie Brown tree-like.
I think you got “Awareness” down.
#2. Answers.
Since we’re running with this “growing needles” theme…
this is how you’ll do it.
Answer these five questions:
1. One thing that makes your face smile?
2. One thing that makes your heart happy?
3. One thing that inspires your soul?
4. One thing that grows your mind?
5. One thing that gives your body energy?
Those are your needle-growing answers.
#3. Action.
Take action on at least one of your answers every day.
Preferably two.
Preferably three.
Preferably four.
Preferably five.
But for now…
How about just one?
In Googling A Charlie Brown Christmas…
I found a scene where Linus sees Charlie’s tree. He says to Charlie:
“It’s not bad at all, really. Maybe it just needs a little love.”
And then Linus tucks his blanket around the tree’s base and props it up.
I’m going to do a little Linus-ing.
“No more spirit drooping. No more smile dropping. Prop yourself up. Show yourself you matter. Be kind to yourself. Answer the five questions. Blanket wrapping is optional.”
You with me, Mr. Needles?
Awareness + Answers + Action = 🎄
With kindness, gratitude and hoping for a life rich with “needles”…
EXTRA Thoughts…
“Day well lived.”
Three perfect words to end my day.
The chances are good…
If I did something for my bigger purpose.
If I did something for someone else.
If I did something for my health.
I get to say them.
Three EXTRAS this week:
1. Miss last week’s blog?
Feel like you’re putting up with a lot you shouldn’t have to put up with? THIS blog is for YOU!
Take a listen: The Words Felt Like Blisters
2. Have you heard The Extra Mile Minute?
It’s only 1:51 long…and it has the purpose of adding a little extra inspiration to your day.
Take a listen: The Magical Box Seats
3. Who am I clapping for this week?
There are 16 reasons YOU might find this week’s person to be someone YOU know.
Take a look: #ClapForSomeone.
May something extra positive and difference-making happen in your life this week.
With gratitude for YOU reading today…
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