Blog #542: Eatin’ the Cake

Guesting on a recent podcast…
I was asked by the host:
“Do you think you’ve lived your destiny?”
It was audio only…but I have zero doubt that my eyes grew 110% in size and my face crinkled up as if I’d I suddenly turned VERY old. The unspoken thoughts burning on my tongue wouldn’t have played well with the host.
My real thinking at that moment?
“What the…?! Does she think I’m dying? Don’t bury me yet!”
“Thank you, Three-Second Rule.”
Count to three…and keep my mouth shut until I’m 100% sure I’m sayin’ what I want to be sayin’.
I took a deep breath, paused three seconds…and calmly responded:
“I haven’t lived my destiny because my days aren’t through being lived. My next moment, person or experience could change everything forever. So if you want to know if I’ve lived my destiny…ask me one minute before I die.”
Getting OLDER…fast!
I’m pretty sure that except for the super young, few of us love the whole “getting older” thing.
A few years ago…
It seemed people whom I knew from high school started to look like their “parents” on Facebook. Today… they look like “grandparents.”
Because they are.
Life goes TOO fast.
I feel it.
My knees ache more after a hike…and I focus on working harder during certain hours of the day because I can’t go “after it” as hard for ten hours as I used to.
But in my head, heart and soul, I’m shouting:
“Screw the ‘getting older’ thing!”
My reasoning?
I have 1,000+ destiny-creating things to still live.
Meet Rut Larsson.
She’s 103.
She just parachuted tandem out of a plane.
After she landed, she said: “I’ve been thinking about it for a long time.”
And then she went home and celebrated “with a little cake.”
I have a LOT of “cake” still waiting for me.
And because I do, I have a “Getting Older” strategy:
1. Wake up…and smile.
2. Whisper to no one in particular: “Thank you.”
3. Go write my “Today.”
As long as I’m still doing, creating and giving…
my destiny can never be permanently inked in.
And that’s just my fact.
1. My destiny hasn’t been written.
2. I’m not ready to be buried.
3. There’s LOTS of “cake” in my future.
The same one, two, three go for you.
EXTRA Thoughts…
Until our life movie officially reads:
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:
Biggies in Disguise
Thank you for reading.
#ClapForSomeone today.
With gratitude…

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