Blog #518: My Legs Aren’t Tired

I’m back in Mexico.
I was here in November to learn how to breathe again.
I’m here in January to write.
As I type now, I’m in Mazatlan.
In Mazatlan, it has become a ritual for me to climb to the El Faro Lighthouse.
It really is a lighthouse, and it sits 500 feet above the ocean.
The last 325 steps to the top are a giant leg push.
Whenever I reach the top…after my panting ends…I swear I hear Rocky music.
When I was here in November, I climbed it back-to-back for the first time. After reaching the bottom on trip #1, I was inspired to see if I could do it again.
I heard double the Rocky music.
Let me take a sidestep for a moment.
It’s not unusual for me to hang out talking with a podcast host a few minutes after a show. We usually talk about how the show went…and sometimes, I’m asked a question the host wanted to ask during the show…but didn’t.
Recently a host asked me when I was going to retire.
No doubt…my uncomfortable silence pushed the host to elaborate
“I get pitched by a lot of motivators in their 30’s…even 20’s. With society being in love with young age and beauty, I’m curious what your thinking is as far as writing and speaking for you in the future.”
I answered:
“I don’t think about it. My legs aren’t tired.”
Back to my hike today up to the El Faro Lighthouse.
As I walked to the mountain before climbing it, I remembered that specific conversation with that particular podcast host.
I remembered his question.
I remembered my answer more.
Before even going up my first time I knew what I was going to do today.
Once up.
Twice up.
THREE times up.
“My legs aren’t tired.”
Of course…
This blog isn’t really about tired legs.
But it IS about doing our thing as long as we want to do our thing.
And if we don’t want to do the thing we now do because our legs ARE tired…
let me encourage you to find something to do that rejuvenates tired legs.
Because I believe that as long as we are breathing…why would we sit on a couch and complain about living with “tired legs”?”
Maybe next time In Mazatlan…I’ll do four.
EXTRA Thoughts…
The more I whine about life…
the more tired my “legs” inevitably get.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you for being a kindred spirit.
Thank you for choosing not to live with tired legs.
With much gratitude…

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