Blog #545: She Said. I Said.

Jul 21, 2022Blog Post

Five years ago…
the conversation took place.

We were walking on the sand near Marina del Rey…
and there was some disagreeing back and forth.

“I can’t!” she said.
“You can,” I said.

“I can’t!” she said.
“I believe you can,” I said.

“I can’t!” she said.
“Yes…you can,” I said.

And then the momentum shifted gears.

“I can’t!” she said.
“You’re right. You can’t,” I said.

“Why did you say that’?” she shockingly asked.
“Because you convinced me,” I quietly answered.

For the rest of the walk…

She wore quiet tears.
Little else was said.


The next day…

She called.

“I have something to tell you,” she said.
“And what’s that?” I asked.

“I definitely can!”

It was THEN I knew that she would.


Last week…

She emailed and reminded me of that walk…and the specifics.

Of the date.
Of the moment.
Of the conversation.

Because all three of those are a big deal in her life.

On July 15, 2017…

She quit drinking.


“I can!”
“I can’t!”

Two life-changing sentences.
Each carrying a different destiny.

One is where the life in us is renewed.
One is where the life in us hits a dead end.

Choose your One.

EXTRA Thoughts




Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.

Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:

Not George Clooney

Thank you for reading.

#ClapForSomeone today.

With gratitude…

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