Blog #534: The Peace Sign Shuffle

Every so often…
it happens.
I wake up feelin’ the funkies.
Can you relate?
On the particular day I’m pointing to now…I just wasn’t feelin’ anything close to positive from the moment my eyes saw the day.
Three things underwhelmed me:
1. Physically…I was exhausted and had no energy.
2. Mentally…my positive thoughts were still sleeping.
3. Emotionally…I couldn’t find a single article of “enthusiasm” to wear.
At that moment…
I would never have wanted to READ what I write…
and I absolutely had NO words to WRITE what I write.
But…the day MUST go on.
And so did I.
I needed to take a baby step to start something rolling.
The dogs needed to go potty…so I leashed up two excited Chihuahuas, and they led me out the door.
At that point…
THAT would pretty much be counted as a major success. When you have the funkies, little successes like that count BIG…and you gotta’ acknowledge them when you see, feel or think them.
“Ahhh! There you are!”
It’s like playing a game of “Hide-And-G0-Seek” with your not-so-good self…looking for your far-better self.
The dogs did every inch of their walk with noses to the ground.
There was LOTS of “autographing” as they signed 50% of the plants we came across. Me? I was in slow shuffle mode…carrying two leashes and a green bag.
But realizing we’re in “slow shuffle” mode always presents a powerful, difference-making moment.
It’s the moment we have a choice.
“Do I want to be a shuffler…or not?”
“Quit shuffling!” (That’s what I decided.)
And with that moment of awareness, “change” was given oxygen to breathe.
With ZERO motivation to open my mouth and speak, I found a way to toss a small bread crumb of positive energy into the Universe.
I gave a thumbs up to a guy that jogged by. I didn’t know him, but he was out at 7:30 a.m. before work finding his sweat. He deserved a thumbs up. He liked that I acknowledged him…and gave me an enthusiastic thumbs-up back.
It was a good start for a shuffler.
I saw a woman on the opposite path walking her two dogs. When she glanced my way, I gave her a “Good morning!” smile, raised my hand and made a “peace sign” with two fingers. She smiled and “peaced” me back.
Hey…I was still shuffling…but my day’s “feel good” moments were adding up.
#3, #4, #5, #6, #7…I tossed each bread crumb out there.
Peace-sign giving.
That’s all I was doing.
After 30 minutes…
The dogs were sniffed out, and we headed home. But upon entering the door, I noted a small internal miracle had occurred.
The funkies had fallen off.
1. Physically…my energy had grown taller.
2. Mentally…my positive thoughts decided to wake up and join the day.
3. Emotionally…I found a slight inner smile.
The moment we STOP thinking and feeling about ourselves and put our focus on others…the funkies start to disappear.
The moment we START throwing positive energy into the Universe is the moment we open the gate for positive energy to flow back into us.
You know…
It really is kind of a miracle how getting rid of the funkies works.
And sometimes…
All it takes is the magic of waving a simple peace sign.
EXTRA Thoughts…
Breathing enthusiasm into others…
Breathes enthusiasm back into ourselves.
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:
Blank Slate, Magic Markers
Thank you.
For reading.
Thank you.
For tossing positive energy into the world.
With gratitude…

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