Blog #539: With Hands…and Words

I look for opportunities to…
And Clap.
If someone’s doing something awesome…I’m clapping so she’ll continue. If someone’s had his but kicked from a soul-draining failure or rejection…I’m clapping so he’ll wipe off tears, sweep away fear, rise up and go after it again.
I’m a Clapper.
I’ve felt the power of Clappers in my life.
#1. I’m not a runner…but I’ve run two marathons.
I’ve moved my feet 26.2 miles because of the inspiring power of people I didn’t know clapping for me from the sidelines…encouraging me to keep going.
#2. I never thought I’d write a blog…but I’ve written 538 of them.
I keep writing because of the thousands of emails I’ve received over fifteen years that have clapped for the difference my writing made for them that week.
#3. I didn’t think I’d make it…but I pedaled a bike across America.
When I rode a bike ocean-to-ocean across the U.S. for my Extra Mile America Tour, I’d just finished pedaling to the top of the brutal 11,312 foot Monarch Pass in the Rocky Mountains. At the top, I collapsed on the ground and sincerely wondered: “Is this worth it? Am I making a difference?” And then a woman hovered over me and asked: “Are you him? Are you the Extra Mile Man?” Her following words inspired my spirit so much…I never doubted again.
So yeah…
I know the power of clapping with hands…and words.
And that’s why I’ll be a Clapper until I die.
As a way to clap for others, I created “Extra Mile Day.”
On every November 1 since 2009, individuals and organizations have been clapped for because of their unselfish service in volunteerism and contribution to their local communities.
In 2009…
23 cities liked my crazy vision and clapped with me.
In 2021…
528 cities gave their awesome volunteers a shout-out.
It catches on.
And that leads me to my latest clapping mission.
This week, I started pushing a new hashtag on Twitter:
My goal is to publicly clap for someone every day so that others might learn about the person (or group)…and maybe start clapping for people more…too.
In a social media world that desperately shouts “Look at me!”…I’ll use my small voice and positively whisper back out into the social media universe:
“Look at them!”
Maybe one or two other people will follow my lead.
Maybe a million will.
Here are my first three #ClapForSomeone Tweets:
#1: Marie Forleo
Who’s America’s #1 results-creating “Let’s Make It Happen!” Guru?
Follow @marieforleo
I don’t know her, but in watching her online…it’s obvious her talent at leading others to create success is the real deal. She’s a charismatic, motivational powerhouse.
#2: The Points of Light Organization
An organization that deserves a shout out?
Follow @PointsofLight
They are innovative and inspiring. In 37 countries, they encourage volunteers to get involved in projects that make an impact.
Others talk about “making a difference.”
They’re doing it.
#3: Mackenzie Scott
Today’s #ClapForSomeone person?
MacKenzie has donated $3.8 BILLION to 465 organizations.
In a world where HUGE ego is tied to “I’m Worth a BILLION Dollars!”…why is there not MORE of a celebration to be on the “I GAVE a Billion Dollars” list?
Being a full-time, every day Clapper?
I’m in.
I like the idea so much that I just bought the domain name:
There’s little on the site YET…but I’ll see where the Whispers take me.
Being a Clapper?
It’s not novel.
But it is rare.
Will you join me in being rare?
EXTRA Thoughts…
Live like you were here.
With your words? Toss positive into the world.
With your smile? Share it ten times a day.
With your actions? Make a difference.
Live like you were here.
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:
Your Extra Awesome Answers
Thank you for reading.
I hope you #ClapForSomeone today.
Clapping for you…

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