#513: Cry, Cuss or Mope

It’s definitely not highlighted on my resume, but…since sending my first blog in 2008… 5,000+ readers have unsubscribed or unfollowed me.
It must be because I write too many blogs about my super awesome dogs.
Ya’ think?
(This is where I’d insert a GIANT yellow, winking emoji…if I knew how.)
It may be life’s most-repeated challenge.
Overcoming disappointment.
Life is overloaded with bum news…rejections…failures…defeats…mean words… unsubscribes…unfollows…bruises…burns…stings…and 10,000 moments of whispered “That sucks!“
From a simple blog unsubscribe to the far, FAR deeper pinch of 1,000 other types of stings, life inevitably pushes us to go on. But what’s not inevitable is if we go on still doing what we love or not.
And here is where I plant this week’s seed of encouragement.
No matter how life is currently pinching you…
be BIGGER than the sting.
Cry, cuss or mope for a moment if you must…
but don’t let disappointment sideline you from being YOU.
No matter the burn.
No matter the bruise.
No matter the sting.
Be BIGGER than all of them.
Keep writing.
Keep trying.
Keep going.
Screw disappointment.
Be BIGGER than it could ever be.
EXTRA Thoughts…
I feel “disappointment” today as much as I did the first time I felt its sharp cut. But what I understand MORE today than what I once did is this:
Feeling disappointment isn’t the end of the world; it is, however, something we might have to feel 100x before we achieve what we want to achieve.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the audio version:
That’s Freakin’ Crazy!
Thank you for reading today.
With humble gratitude…

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