Blog #556: What’s Serious, Silly and Short?

From “Anonymous“…
Shawn –
I’ll be 34 soon and have nothing to show. I’m embarrassed to tell people my job when we meet, and make up something that sounds better so I can fit in. It’s discouraging that all my friends have more success than me.
I saw you on Twitter and signed up for your blog. I like what you say and you have success without making me feel bad. I’ll keep reading, but if you have more feedback to share with someone as lost as me, I’d appreciate it. I’ve read the emails you answered and it would feel good if you answered mine too.
To my friend “Anonymous“…
Thank you for reading Extra Mile Thursday. I’m grateful my words have connected with you…and I promise to keep doing my best.
Thank you, too, for writing now. Change always starts with taking action…
and your email to me PROVES you’re unafraid to do that.
I’m sensitive to your feelings about being “embarrassed” regarding your success, but trust me…a lot of us have felt what you now feel.
I 100% know what feeling “lost” is like. Earlier in life, I was split open by being undecided about seemingly everything. I now know, moments of feeling “lost” are stages of life we live on the way to eventually finding our better selves.
Let me humbly answer TWO questions.
Of course, the detail in my answers is extra minimal compared to entire books on these topics…but I’ll give it my best to share what I’ve lived and learned.
Question ONE: “How do I find a CAREER?”
Many eventually stumble into a job that lasts a lot of years that can be called a “career”…but is it a career they LOVE? Often, I think…NOT.
So let me answer THAT question:
“How do I find a career I’ll LOVE?”
I think THAT answer is related to THIS answer:
“What turns on my soul?”
Brainstorm your favorite things to do…and THEN think of potential jobs related to doing THAT.
My answer inspired me to do what I do now.
Question TWO: “How do I find PURPOSE?”
Finding purpose for a LIFE starts with living with purpose for a DAY.
Here’s an idea to get that goal rolling. Each day…
1. Do ONE positive thing for another person.
2. Do ONE positive thing for your health.
3. Do ONE positive thing for a goal.
That’s called “Living with Purpose.”
In closing, I’m moved to write this…
Don’t look to be miserable about what you DON’T have.
Instead, look to celebrate what you DO have.
You and I both might feel as if we are 1,000 miles from having our act together at times…but life feels a heckuva’ lot better when we find reasons to continuously say “Thank you”…rather than reasons to continually cuss.
1. Life is serious.
2. Life is silly.
3. Life is short.
Three good things to remember.
Good luck, my friend.
You are awesome, appreciated…and you’re going to make it.
I believe it.
With humble gratitude…
EXTRA Thoughts…
Life’s too darn short…to not take a peek at what’s on the other side of our “Comfort Zone.”
Don’t you think?
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:
What’s the Rocking Chair Test?
Thank you for showing up today.
How luck am I?
#ClapForSomeone lately?
With gratitude for the chance to be here…

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